Rachael Mohr
Hairstylist, Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Wife, Mom, Dog Mom, Podcaster, … Author?? WHAT??
This website will hopefully be the landing page for my book. “A memoir with a side of murder.( It’s really a fiction) A respectful nod to all hairdressers, Hairstylists, colorists, beauticians, barbers, etc… we all know that one coworker or manager that seems capable of murder. I took some of my most memorable experiences and exaggerated them a bit to hopefully, explain how much is going on aside from just doing the hair. All the drama with creative people is real!
This is for you. I see you. I feel you.
Email me! rachaelleemohr@gmail.com
Podcaster since 2019- I recorded 4 episodes then Covid , then rebranded in 2024- Yoga and Other $h!t with my friends Elizabeth and Rachel! We’ve recorded over 30episodes and counting! Scroll down to find out more!
This book I’m Writing started in 2006. I wrote it in a notebook just the basics. 2007 typed it up and put it on a cd “disc” . 2020 transferred to cloud. 2024 working on editing and publishing. Flying by the seat of my pants!
Inspo. for my book cover. Very “hairdressery”
Tried to hire a company to help me with the book cover but we did not vibe.
Here’s the closest try. That is with me making a wallpaper behind the picture.
Hey I’m Rachael
I’m 53, Living in Georgia with my husband, Rich, and our dogs, Charli and Yeti. Our kids, Justin 27 and Richie 23, live close enough that we can drive to visit them. When I’m not working or working on my book, I’m running, walking, Leading workout sessions and yoga classes, doing yard work, or taking the dogs for a ride in our Jeep. Usually I am tagging along with Rich. He keeps busy. Sometimes you will find us on the lake with a dog or two. I also love doing some quick meditations scattered throughout the day. Oh, and cooking! We love hanging in the kitchen!
The Yoga
And Other
$h!t Podcast
Hit Me!!!
Yoga and other shit is a place where women of different ages and backgrounds come together for real, raw, and triggering conversations about yoga and the places the path takes us.
Brought together as practitioners and teachers by Lunar Yoga studio in Cumming, GA, Rachael, Rachel, and Elizabeth found themselves in conversations longer than appropriate standing outside the studio. After bonding on the process of healing, dealing with the bs in the world, and walking the yogic path, the three decided to hit ‘record’ and bring their conversations public. The objective is to spread awareness, create community, and fellowship together as women living and growing.